Die Cyber Road Show Wettbewerbsantworten

  Question Answer
1 The first radio commercial spot aired in 1922. What was the company and what was it selling? Queensboro Corp., real estate
2 Where are the National Public Broadcasting Archives located? College Park, MD, USA
3 Who was Israel's first elected president? Chaim Weizmann
4 How many bones make up the human skeleton? 206
5 Sculptor Donato de Bardi detto Donatello's "Abramo e Isacco" was carved in what year? 1421
6 What city does the Liffey River flow through? Dublin
7 Where is the painting Pierrot known as Gilles? Who is the artist? Louvre, Jean-Antoine Watteau
8 In what scene of Shakespeare's "As You Like It" do we hear "All the world's a stage..."? Act 2, Scene 7
9 What is the name of the pope who was in office from 1447-1455? Nicholas V
10 What characters speak together in Scene 1, Act 1 of Shakespeare's "The Winter's Tale" Camillo and Archimadeus
11 When was the Treaty of Sevres signed? 1920
12 Where is the original mauscript of St Jerome's commentary on Isaiah to be found? Bodleian Library, Oxford
13 In what year was the first printing press set up in the New World? In which city? 1539, Mexico City
14 In what year was the English colony of Jamestown founded? 1607
15 What are the first three words in the Latin version of Virgil's Aeneid? Arma virumque cano
16 How many chromosome pairs does a normal human possess? 23
17 What is the name of Isabella Rossellini's twin sister? Ingrid
18 In Greek mythology, who was the ruler of the Titans? Cronus
19 Where was Shaquille O'Neal born? Newark, NJ, USA
20 In what year and by whom were 33 1/3 rpm records introduced? 1927, Maxfield, Bell Laboratories
21 When did French people settle in Canadian maritime areas and what are they known as today? 18th century, Acadians
22 In what country is Hagia Sophia located? Turkey
23 Where was the country of Pomerania located? Baltic seacoast of NE Germany
24 What is the main event organized by the Sherpa Friendship Association and what does it celebrate? Sherpa Lo Sar, new moon of 1st lunar month in Tibetan calendar
25 In ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics which sysmbol was used for the letter M? an owl
26 Where was the republic of Tuva and when did it lose its independence? southern Siberia, 1944
27 What is the world's population? 5'862'139'336 (18.8.97) (
28 Who was the House of Windsor's first monarch? George V
29 What is the capital of Senegal? Dakar
30 What is Kwanzaa and who instituted it? African American holiday, Dr. Maulena Karenga
31 In what year did Mexico win its independence from Spain? 1821
32 Which Chinese astrological sign represented emperors? dragon
33 In what city in New Jersey, USA was the first dinosaur skeleton discovered? Haddonfield
34 Of what nationality was the founder of the Sierra Club? Scottish
35 Where can the crown given by Napoleon I to Empress Marie Louise be seen? Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History
36 What object was given to Marie Antoinette by Louis XVI and may be seen at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History? diamond earrings
37 To whom is Herman Melville's Billy Bud dedicated? Jack Chase
38 Who is Lisa Halaby? Queen Noor of Jordan
39 What recent US president is a descendant of King Edward I of England? George Bush
40 In auto racing, the yellow flag with the red stripe means? oil on the track
41 What well-known actor was a descendant of King Charles II of England? Sir Laurence Olivier
42 What country was ruled by the Alaungpaya Dynasty? Burma
43 In what year was T.S. Eliot born? 1888
44 Who is the pretender to the Bulgarian throne? King Simeon II
45 In what year was the first Fabergé Easter egg made for a Russian czar? 1884
46 Where is the oldest US zoo? Philadelphia, PA
47 What is the color of erbium oxide and what is it used for? pink, coloring of glass and porcelain
48 How many guest rooms are in the world's largest hotel (Thailand's Ambassador City Jountien)? 5200
49 What is the amount of gold contained in sea water? 0.1 to 2 mg/ton
50 In what war did Florence Nightengale serve as the first female nurse? Crimean War
51 The term Lutetia refers to what modern city? Paris
52 In what year was Vanadium discovered for the first time? When was it rediscovered? 1801, 1830
53 What is the conversion from 1 British Gill to 1 Litre? 0.1420656
54 What is the conversion from 1 hogshead to 1 teaspoon? 64512
55 In what year did Torricelli invent the barometer? 1643
56 In what country is the Museo a cielo Abierto located? Chile
57 What is the permittivity constant of free space? 8.8542x10-12, C2/Nm2
58 What is Clyde Tombaugh famous for? discovery of planet Pluto
59 In what year did Sandro Botticelli paint "Allegory of Fortune" 1470
60 On what day was the planet Neptune discovered and by whom? Sept. 23, 1846, Johann Gottfried Galle
61 How far in Km is the moon Mimas from the planet which it orbits? 185.52 km (Saturn)
62 How many total solar eclipses are predicted between 1998 and 2006? 7
63 What was Harry Houdini's birth name? Ehrich Weiss
64 From which areas of the globe was the total solar eclipse of March 9, 1997 visible? Mongolia, Siberia, Arctic Ocean
65 How many sons did Genghis Khan have with his first wife? What was her name? 4, Borte
66 What is the phone number of the Embassy of Afghanistan in Washington, DC? (202) 234-3770
67 In what year was the Mercator Map developed? 1569
68 How many islands are in the Kiributi Group? 16
69 What is the suface area of Europe in square miles? 3.8 million
70 How much bigger in % is Africa than the former USSR? 30%
71 Where is Niue? Pacific Ocean between Figi and Cook Islands
72 What was the exact time (central European time) of the official German surrender in WWII? 2301 hours, May 8
73 Where is Amdo? Western China (Tibet)
74 What are Aynu and Uyghur? languages/cultures
75 What language is spoken by over 95% of the population of Seychelles? Seselwa
76 What was the first Swiss rail link and when was it pur into service? Zurich-Baden, 1847
77 In what country is Spode porcelain made? China
78 When did work on the Gotthard railway tunnel begin and how long did it take to complete? 1872, 10 years
79 Where and when was the first electric tram put into service in Switzerland? Vevey-Territet, 1888
80 In what year did the Porsche 911 make its debut in Frankfurt? 1963
81 What was the main topic of the NZZ Folio dated March 2, 1992? Karrieren
82 Which orchestral work by Respighi is scheduled to be performed in Lausanne on May 28, 1998? Fountains of Rome
83 In what year was the Grande Salle of the Grand Théâtre in Geneva destroyed? What was the cause? When was it reopened? 1951, fire, 1962
84 Who teaches Latin in the Theology Faculty of the University of Zurich? Heidrun Rubischung
85 Where does the Palio Festival take place? Siena, Italy
86 What is the name of a lawyer in Munsingen who speaks Finnish? Riitta Diener-Alho
87 How many articles in the Swiss Constitution concern the Federal Tribunal? 9
88 What is the latitude and longitude of the Kennedy space center? 28°36' N, 80°, 36' W
89 What is the % of water in dried meat from Graubunden? 49%
90 On what two dates in history did the Saint-Pierre cathedral in Geneva burn? April 1, 1175 and April 21, 1430
91 What is the number of hotels in Leukerbad? 22
92 In which musical key is Beethoven's 6th symphony? F major
93 How many mm of rain fell in 1995 in Zurich, Lugano and Sion? 1323, 1412, 757
94 In 1995, what was the population density (hab. per square km) of CH, USA, UK? 171, 28, 241
95 How tall is Mount Denali in feet? 20,300
96 In what year was the first Davis Cup held? 1900
97 How many medal-winning events took place at the 1996 Paralympics in Atlanta? 17
98 In how many places can you bungee jump in Switzerland and where are they? 3, Interlaken, Centovalli, Aigle
99 When was St. Augustine founded? 1565
100 What is the gestation period for the manatee? 13 months
101 What is the name of the largest asteriod? Ceres
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